mardi 28 octobre 2008

A Week Across the Pond...

I just returned from a much needed break from 24/7 French for a holiday in London.  I went with my best friend Jill and another girl on the Calvin program named Renee.  Together we explored every nook and cranny of Central London (mainly by foot), ventured to Oxford to locate the point of C.S. Lewis's inspiration (the Eagle and Child), were able to find a lovely concert, take tea (just for you mom), and scour Harrod's for the perfect pair of Louboutin's, which unfortunately cost more than my entire wardrobe (maybe...).  In the mix of the busy  city  life, we were able to plop down at STARBUCKs. again, quite the site for sore eyes and read.  Unfortunately, I was not able to locate any princes near the Buckingham Palace, but who really wants a fairy tale afterall?


jeudi 9 octobre 2008

Oh, France...

Hello, everyone!

I couldn't help but dedicate a blog to the political leanings in American for this coming election.  As you can see on your right, Obama seems to have captured the hearts of the French. Hmm...  I will assume that you already know my thoughts about this.

En fait, I made comments earlier about the cleanliness of Grenoble, but have recently learned the truth:(  It is actually quite polluted here, and the percentage of those who recycle is also a very sad statistic.  How tragic. 

I hope to update on more important sorts of things in the near future:)


lundi 6 octobre 2008

Southern Flair

This weekend I experienced a different region of France-- Provence.  Here are some pictures:)  When I had more internet access I will dialogue a bit about the adventures I had this weekend:)

jeudi 2 octobre 2008


Well. That's all. I voted. Pretty excited about that.  

I took some pictures of my ballot- before I filled it out, but I think it may be frowned upon if I was to post such photos:)

This weekend I am off to Avignon and Orange.  I will post photos upon return.
